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Diana Adores the Puzzled Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 26
Diana Adores the Puzzled Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Novel Read online
Page 26
“There now, we can begin the decorating?” she asked smiling .
She went over and linked her arm with Amelia’s and asked, “And what wonderful family decorations do you have for the tree ?”
“We have the most charming candle holders. And for a tree this size we will need to have hundreds. You should see when they are all lighted. It is pure magic .”
Diana presented her basket. “And these will be the new family heirlooms—our wedding present from my dear friends the Sinclair twins. All hand made .”
Amelia picked one up and examined it. “Most charming,” she said acidly, dismissing it back into the basket .
“Amelia,” Diana said gently. “These are lovely decorations. Please do not be dismissive of my friend’s work. It is most impolite .”
Amelia turned and scowled at her. “If they were up to my standards of quality, there would be no need to be impolite .”
“And if you were up to my standards, I would not have to mention this,” Diana replied .
Robert had appeared just in time to catch this interaction. He came over and picked up one of the decorations from the basket and examined it. “Did I hear you say these are our wedding present from the twins ?”
“Yes, they are .”
“You must personally thank them for me. And tell them how charming they are and what a great contribution they have made to both our Christmas and weddings.” He then went over and placed the first ornament on the tree. Then he turned to Amelia and nodded toward the basket. “And would you like to hang the next one ?”
I t was Christmas Eve and most of the wedding guests had already arrived. Because the wedding was tomorrow, it had been decided that Christmas would be celebrated this evening. There had been a number of Christmas services in the small Balfour chapel throughout the day for the guests who wished to attend .
The house was alive with activity. There were so many guests, the dinner table stretched the whole length of the large dining room with place settings for one hundred. But that was only half the party, so another dining table had to be set up in the library to accommodate the overflow .
All the great public rooms were alight with hundreds of candles and great roaring fires warmed the mingling guests. Garlands of evergreens decorated each room which also had a Christmas tree. Servants were busy keeping the guests plied with mulled wine and cider, as well as eggnog and champagne. A small orchestra was playing carols in the great hall with the large Christmas tree which had all the small candles blazing. Sithens was masterfully overseeing the entire operation of the household staff—managing the dinner and the before dinner drinks .
Robert had donned a Father Christmas suit and beard and, with Diana at his side, was passing amongst the guests handing presents to everyone. They finally came to Diana’s parents who were chatting with the twins .
“Ho! ho! ho!” Robert said, pulling at his fake beard. “What have we got here?” he asked as he poked into his gift bag. “Oh, nothing. You must have been very bad boys and girls .”
They laughed. But Diana reached into a smaller bag she had and said, “Oh, look what I found. Here is one for the Brownings. And here is one for the Sinclair twins.” She handed them each a present with their names on it .
Mother opened their present. Inside was a door key. “What is this ?”
Robert said, “The key to your own rooms here at Balfour . Come and go as you wish.” He lowered his voice. “And we may call upon you from time to time to mind the children .”
Then Geoffrey opened their gift. It contained a pair of work gloves and a receipt for a year’s paid tuition at the college that Miriam was attending. They looked up in surprise .
“That is for a year at your college,” he said to Miriam. “And those gloves are for your new job as the gardener’s assistant,” he said to Geoffrey .
The twins went wild and had to be restrained by Diana or they would have disrupted the whole room by hugging every guest in attendance .
A minstrel appeared amongst the guests singing that it was time for dinner to be served. And as the guests gathered for dinner, Amelia and Ludlow came over to Robert and Diana .
“What a lovely evening, old chap,” Ludlow said to Robert. “And to think tomorrow we shall be brothers-in-law .”
“We shall. And welcome to Balfour and Happy Christmas. And may our up and coming years be peaceful and prosperous.” Robert then leaned in and whispered to Ludlow, “Oh, and by the way, I am going to be republishing my book under my own name .”
Ludlow was startled. “But is that wise ?”
“It is time for a change, my friend .”
* * *
T he dinner was magnificent. The preparations in the kitchen had taken a full week and Sithens had commanded the staff like a victorious, advancing army—and it had come off with only a few minor hitches .
The guests were so happy and boisterous that it was well after midnight before the house began to quiet down after they began to drift off to their rooms .
Tomorrow Amelia would finally become a wife and Lady Berwick. She stood before her full-length mirror and admired what she saw. She had aged well and turned toward the firelight to let it highlight her best features .
There was a knock at her door and Robert came in .
“It went very well, do you not think?” he said. “You and Diana are to be commended on your fine organization of a very large and complex event .”
Amelia was still studying herself in the mirror. “The guests seemed pleased .”
Robert went over to her and put his hands on his sister’s shoulders from behind, as he gazed at her in the facing mirror .
“Tomorrow is an important day. And you will be leaving this house after all these years .”
“I will not be far away .”
“I know. But you have been my only family for many years now. And it is not something that I can let go of lightly. I am what I am because of you, dear sister .”
Amelia reached up and patted her brother’s hand .
“It was my greatest honor to care for you .”
“And may I ask you to grant me one last service .”
Amelia turned to face him. “Of course. And what might that be ?”
“Accept Diana. I know it has been difficult for you. But she is my love and is to be my wife. I ask you to reconcile with her not only in your mind but in your heart .”
Amelia was silent as she fingered the lapels of Robert’s coat .
“Will you do this for me?” he asked, raising her chin so that he might look into her eyes .
“Yes, Robert .”
* * *
D iana’s mother and Miriam were with her in the dressing room of her new Balfour personal quarters. They were there to work on her hair and help her with getting dressed—with the assistance of her new lady’s maid .
However, Mother was doing more crying than assisting, and Miriam was talking up a storm as she sat next to Diana powdering her own face .
Amelia came into the room dressed in her bridal gown and looking quite magnificent .
“Would you ladies please excuse us for a moment? I should like to have a word with Diana .”
The ladies retired to the outer room .
“You look lovely,” Diana said, as she saw Amelia in her dressing table mirror .
“As do you,” she said, still looking at Diana but not speaking further .
“Is there a problem ?”
Amelia took another step forward. “No, not at all. Everything is going as planned. But Robert had a word with me last night about how I have been treating you. And I want to ask for your forgiveness, and to let you know it will never happen again. I want us to be as sisters and I pledge to you that I will never again treat you as I have previously .”
“I am very glad to hear that, Amelia. And I welcome that .”
She took another step forward. “My behavior comes from the fact that Robert and I were orphaned a
nd I became so protective of him that I was never able to let him go. It became a habit that I am only now learning to break. I realize what a wonderful wife and husband you shall be, and I truly ask for your forgiveness .”
“And I grant it,” Diana said with a smile .
Then Amelia went over to behind Diana. She had been holding a necklace which she offered to put around Diana’s neck .
“This is the Balfour necklace. It has graced every Lady Donnelly for the past seven generations. And it is to be yours .”
Diana turned to her. “Thank you, Amelia, but that should be yours not mine .”
“No, you are the new Lady Donnelly. It must be yours .”
Amelia then put the diamond, ruby, and emerald necklace around Diana’s neck and fastened it .
* * *
T he great hall had been transformed Christmas morning for the wedding ceremonies. The Balfour chapel was far too small to accommodate the many wedding guests. Rows of Christmas trees decorated with candles and poinsettias lined the hall. And the dais had two more trees at the far end of the room. The orchestra was set up to the left of the dais and was playing incidental music until the ceremony was to begin .
An aisle between two banks of chairs led to where the ceremony was to be performed. The guests had already gathered and were seated, waiting, and chatting quietly amongst themselves .
Robert was the only family male who could escort Amelia down the aisle. But as he was the other groom, he was unavailable, so George volunteered to escort both Amelia and his daughter to the altar at the same time .
The grooms were already in place and waiting. And once the brides were ready, the music began to play and the bridal march began .
Diana turned to Amelia and said, “Sister, we are about to undertake our new lives. Thank you for raising such a wonderful man for me to marry .”
“And thank you for teaching me how to welcome you into the family .”
The three started down the aisle and when they arrived, the two brides were welcomed to stand beside their loving, and soon to be, husbands .
The End
Curious to read how Diana’s and Robert’s relationship evolved? Then enjoy this complimentary short story featuring the beloved couple .
Simply TAP HERE to read it now for FREE! or use this link: hannahamilton.com/dapdee straight into your browser .
I guarantee you, that you won’t be disappointed ♥
But before you go, turn the page for an extra sweet treat from me …
More sweet historical romance
T urn on to the next page to read the first chapters of Annabelle Enchants the Rejected Earl , my best-selling Amazon novel .
Annabelle Enchants the Rejected Earl
Chapter 1
“D o you Beatrice Hathaway take Abraham Urwin to be your lawful wedded husband ?”
Annabelle sucked in a deep, nervous breath as she waited for Beatrice to answer the dreaded question. She knew what her sister would say, everybody in the room did, but there was still a little moment of hesitation. Annabelle felt certain that Beatrice would not be marrying this man if she had a choice... but of course, she didn't. Their father had chosen Lord Urwin for her husband and that was the end of it. Otto Hathaway was not a man to be disagreed with about things, especially not when he thought he had his daughter’s best interests at heart .
He wanted his daughter to have a man who could financially support her and their offspring forevermore, and Lord Urwin could definitely do that. With his chain of banks to keep him financially afloat, they would never have to face any money issues .
The pair certainly did not match in Annabelle’s mind. Beatrice had flowing, wavy red hair which spilled down her back in a very pretty way. The lacy, bejewelled dress still managed to show off her svelte, curvy body which most girls would kill for. Beatrice did not even need a corset to make her figure appear that way, which Annabelle often found utterly infuriating. Beatrice’s youthful pale skin was flawless and her blue eyes piercing. In fact, her eyes were the only difference that her and Annabelle had. If Annabelle’s bright green eyes were blue, the girls could have been mistaken for twins, rather than sisters .
Beatrice was beautiful, no one could deny that, and Abraham was... something else entirely .
Abraham Urwin’s look was very different to his fiancée’s. His greying hair and sagging skin gave away his age, as did his terrible posture. Life had been good to him, but he had worked very hard to achieve everything that he owned, and that showed. Annabelle was not exactly sure of his age, she hadn’t ever thought to ask, but it was very obvious that he did not look good with her stunningly beautiful sister. They looked very silly together, more like father and daughter than husband and wife .
It was a shame to have Beatrice taken away from the world by this man, purely because of his wealth. As she stood in front of their family and friends looking spectacularly stunning, a pang of sadness tugged in Annabelle’s heart .
“I do,” Beatrice finally gasped with very little certainty. “Yes, I do .”
“Urgh, I certainly would not!” Annabelle’s best friend, Catherine Wakefield, whispered into her friend’s ear as soon as those words came out. “He is a terrible match for her. Everybody here can see it. She should be with a much younger, much more handsome man .”
“I know, but what can she do about it?” Annabelle shrugged, trying to shake off her moroseness as she did. “It has happened now .”
She could keep her tone bored and unbothered as she discussed marriage because it was an issue that seemed too far from her life. She had only just turned eighteen, whereas Beatrice was twenty years of age. It was a problem that was at least two years away. For now, Annabelle could continue on exactly as she was, without worrying too much about what the future might hold for her .
She would miss her sister, but she could still be glad that it was not her holding onto some man’s hands, agreeing to be his wife forevermore .
“I wonder who your father will choose for you?” Catherine mused thoughtfully. “I bet he is already searching .”
“I do not think I shall let him pick,” Annabelle replied with an air of nonchalance. “I will choose a husband for myself .”
Catherine giggled at that idea. Lord Hathaway was the most terrifying man that she had ever met. Her own father had a powerful presence and he liked to control her life, but he was nothing like Annabelle’s father. There was no chance that he would allow her to make her own decisions. She was dreaming .
Annabelle did not care much for the laugh, she felt herself strong enough to do whatever on earth she wanted. She had always had a much more powerful will than her sister, her friends would come to see that in time .
“I do not want to get married anyway, I would much rather take care of myself .”
“Oh, I do,” Annabelle’s other friend, Edith Stanbury cooed on the other side. “I cannot wait to have a husband to take care of me. I am truly looking forwards to being a mother and a wife .”
Annabelle rolled her eyes in a not too discrete way. Edith and her older sister Harriett were great people, she had grown up with them and loved having them around, but their need to have a man do everything for them, only further put Annabelle off the idea of getting married. Who waited desperately to have yet another man to answer to? Who wanted their stomach invaded with an alien presence? What sort of person looked forward to having a babe attached to their breast? It did not seem right, not when being young could be so much fun .
A scathing comment rested on the edge of Annabelle’s tongue, but before she could get it out her aunt turned in her seat and hushed the girls angrily. As her red rage filled face turned to shut the group up, Annabelle felt her cheeks flame and her throat bubble with a desperate need to laugh .
She always found herself that way, needing to giggle at the most inappropriate times. It felt like a curse most of the time, but more than ever at her sister’s wedding .
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs
. Urwin,” the vicar concluded in a grave tone, bringing Annabelle’s attention back to the action happening in front of her. “Abraham, you may kiss the bride .”
All the girls had to force their expressions to remain blank while Abraham dipped his face down to kiss Beatrice. Annabelle couldn’t help putting herself in her sister’s shoes at that moment and it was something that she really wanted to avoid. She wanted to get married only if it was for love. Or at the very least, like. She would have much preferred to at least have some attraction to her husband. She certainly could not imagine a world where she was stuck with a man like Abraham Urwin .
Poor Beatrice, she thought a little helplessly to herself. Poor, poor Beatrice .
Beatrice and Annabelle had never been particularly close growing up. Annabelle found her sister to be much too uptight, she did not appreciate the way that she always followed the rules, and how she liked to get Annabelle in trouble if she decided not to. There were times when she wished that she could have been an only child or that she could’ve been blessed with a younger sibling rather than an older one, but in that moment, she felt desperately sad for Beatrice .
This time, following the rules, had not panned out for the best at all. Beatrice had a lifetime of misery in front of her .
"I hope the party afterwards is more fun than the ceremony," Catherine grumbled, quietly now so Annabelle's aunt did not hear. "That was incredibly dull ."
“I hope so too.” Annabelle was not convinced. She had wanted her family to hire out a hall for the after party, but her father wanted to keep with tradition. He insisted on using the grand hall in the family home for the event, which made it feel much less like an adventure to Annabelle .